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Blog — food blog

The Many Health Benefits of Melons

Posted by Andrea Lewis on

Summer’s almost here, and there are few foods more cooling and refreshing than a melon. Melons come in many shapes, sizes and varieties, but they are all nutritious and tasty. The king of melons appears to be the most popular: Watermelon. Below I have listed the many benefits of watermelon, but we’ll discuss the health benefits of another melon as well. Watermelon Health Benefits Improves heart health Fights inflammation May protect the prostate gland Helps prevent dehydration Lowers body temperature Watermelon is rich in the carotenoid phytonutrient lycopene. Lycopene is the nutrient that gives watermelon flesh its pink or red...

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How Kale Can Protect Your Vision

Posted by Andrea Lewis on

The older we get the greater our chances of going blind. The most prevalent threat to our vision is macular degeneration, a disease that causes the macula (which allows for visual acuity) to breakdown. Fortunately, research has proven that diet and nutrition can greatly affect vision health. Research has also shown that leafy green vegetables, particularly Kale, contain more of the nutrients that protect eyesight than even carrots, which were once considered the gold-standard of vision vegetables. To understand what makes kale so useful for eye health, we'll take a look at some of kale's most prominent vitamins and minerals....

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