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Recipe: Tea to Relieve Triple C (Cough, Cold, or Congestion)


This warm tea can clear your cough, cold, or congestion. It can be strong for some people, but it works! For me, the comfort of the heat usually causes me to fall asleep. I find it best to drink this before bedtime, and when I wake up, I usually feel much better.



  • 2 bags of natural tea (Your choice! I use green tea or Yerba mate)
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice (citric acid breaks up congestion)
  • Dash or 2 of cayenne (causes blood vessels to dialate in the nose and stimulate secretions, helping to drain sinuses)
  • Ginger (1 oz juiced or ½ teaspoon ground)
  • 2 teaspoons honey (works as a natural suppressant)
  • 4 drop oregano oil or ½ Teaspoon ground oregano (has antibacterial properties)


  1. Boil water
  2. Place teabags in a cup or mug
  3. Add honey
  4. Stir
  5. Add other ingredients and stir (if using ground spices its best to blend the tea and spice to dissolve)

Felicia Jackson is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a store manager at Daily Juice Cafe's West University location. She is on a mission to improve her own life and help her family do the same. Ultimately, Felicia aims to use her personal experiences to educate others about health & wellness and help them find a balanced lifestyle.

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