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Low-Sugar Smoothie Guide


Whether adopting a ketogenic diet, detoxing from a sugar addiction, or working on reducing inflammation, there are many reasons why Daily Juicers are trying to cut sugar.

Here are some easy ways to reduce the sugar content of your Daily Juice go-to smoothie without giving up your favorite refreshing snack or meal replacement.

Choose a low-sugar base

Smoothie Bases

Although Daily Juice juices our own apples and oranges and we don’t add in any additional sweeteners, fruit still contains natural sugars. Subbing out of a fruit juice base for your smoothie will decrease the overall sugar content.

Base Liquid Estimated grams of sugar per 8oz
Pineapple Juice 40g*
Apple Juice 39g*
Orange Juice 36g*
Coconut Water 6g
So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk <1g
Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk 0g

*Estimate based on juice yielded from DJC centrifugal juicer

Recommendation: If you can’t wait for Fridays because you know the Sublimator is on special, try it Downward Dog style (replace apple juice with almond milk).

Replace high-sugar fruit

Another option for lowering the sugar content of your smoothie is to mix it up by swapping out high-sugar fruit for lower-sugar options.

 Fruit Estimated grams of sugar per 1 cup
Mango 23g
Banana 18g
Cherries (Sweet) 18g
Pineapple 16g
Blueberries 15g
Peaches 13g
Strawberries 7g


Serious about cutting sugar? Try subbing out some of the fruit for vegetables.


Vegetable Estimated grams of sugar per 1 cup
Zucchini 2.8g
Broccoli 1.4g
Avocado 1g


Recommendation: The Goddess and Dragonfly already have an almond milk base making them good low-sugar choices. Sub the banana for zucchini to lower the sugar even more. If you still want some banana, sub half.

Nix the added sugar

Although Daily Juice uses only natural sugars in our smoothies, to reduce the overall sugar go without the agave (5.2g of sugar) or vanilla bean.

Recommendation: With an almond milk base, the Half Moon is one of the lowest sugar options on the menu. In the future when you order it, hold the agave.

Next time you're in a Daily Juice, check out our Nutritional Info to modify your order.


Melinda Nelson is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Program Manager at Daily Juice Cafe. She is passionate about real food and authentic living. You can visit Melinda at our Far West location and follow her journey at MelindaCNelson.comon Instagram @melindacnelson, or on Facebook.


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